Sourcing the Cacao Bean
Nigeria is the 4th largest cocoa producer in the world . Although it was not an easy task sourcing cacao, as most of the cacao grown here is exported, it has definitely proven to be worthwhile. As cacao is our main ingredient, finding the best fermented and dried beans are paramount. We currently source out beans from Ondo State in Nigeria but we are looking to expanding sourcing to other cacao growing regions within the country.
Obtaining the Cacao Bean
Finding good cacao is one thing, getting it, especially in small quantities (kilograms not tonnes), is another thing. Poor transportation links and bad roads mean the journey to obtaining the beans can be exhausting, but we see at as yet another challenge we constantly over come. Getting small quantities of proper presents all kinds of fun problems.
Sorting the Cacao Bean
We sort through every bean to ensure exceptional quality. Somethings the beans come with objects such as ropes, strings, stones or even poorly fermented beans that need to be removed before roasting begins.
Roasting the Cacao Bean
Roasting transforms the cacao bean, bringing out its flavour and profile.This is where a chocolate maker distinguishes its chocolate from another maker even though the source of their bean may be exactly the same. We roast our cacao bean to bring out the most exciting flavor. Once a bean is roasted, it is referred to as a cocoa bean.
Cracking & Winnowing the Cocoa Bean
We have a hand cracker that cracks the bean after it has been roasted. Another machine then separates the husk from the cocoa bean , often referred to as cocoa nibs. The nibs can be used for a variety of things and the husk is also available for various purposes.
Grinding & Conching the Cocoa Beans
A machine with 2 granite stones are used to grind and aerate the beans to a very fine smooth texture. This process also helps to develop the flavour of the chocolate and ward out any foul our sour flavour notes. The ground up cocoa nibs are also referred to as cocoa or chocolate liquor. For milk chocolate, it is during the grinding process the sugar and milk are added.
Aging the Chocolate
The flavour of chocolate develops over time, so we allow the chocolate some resting time to help the flavours develop properly. Chocolate, if kept free of moisture, is very stable and could sit for years. We mold them when the flavour is right.
Tempering the Chocolate
The final stage of the chocolate making process is the tempering and molding. Tempering is a process of getting the cocoa butter crystals in the chocolates aligned, thus creating a shiny chocolate with a sharp snap when broken. They are then poured into molds to get our chocolate bars.
Eating the Chocolate
You can taste our diverse chocolate flavours and discover the different notes in our chocolate. Feel free to also try our weird and wonderful flavours which are made with combinations you least expect to be paired with chocolate.